Sunday, October 26, 2014

Back to back posting

I am posting again within a mere 24 hours ...
more or less that is.

The reason is in the picture. Yup, my same old
bicycle but ... with a new Gucci look and feel
to it. I am actually excited about it.

Today is a lazy Sunday and I decided to ride
the bike to the nearest town I usually go to.
I was in need of some new tires seeing as I 
wore out the ones that were on there. 
So I went to a somewhat main bicycle supply
store in the market area. 
Asked for two new skins (tires) that fit my bike.
The kid comes out with these two big bum 
white walls. Kind of wanted them plain but with
only one option ... let's do it I thought. 
Another kid suggested the blue foam covers
you can see on the handle grips and brake 
To top it off ... a new seat cover which was really
sorely needed (literally) and has some pinache
as you can see and also an orange strip in 
the back for visibility, was purchased.

Another really great part was I got a dollar USD
discount off each tire. Which is usually more
like a twofold increase due to being white and
assumed to be having more moolah than god.
So I was really kind of like ...giddy about that.

All toll ...

2 tires @ 7.00 ea. US money
1 seat cover = .90 again US
Foam grip covers = .60 cents of that ole USD

Total being 15.50 USD

Oh yeah, the tires are made here
in Burkina. Buying local helps
the economy. A good thing.

I am looking fly and also trying to figure out
how to drive with a gangster lean through 
the bush without hitting a tree, falling off 
or looking as bizaare as heck. Nothing 
obvious or practical as to how has come to mind.

So, not so big a deal as far as development
is concerned other than I can now cruise 
around in the bush of Africa looking like 
a pimp my ride recipient.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Addition then subtraction equals ?

The addition ... a brand (and I mean brand) new
ambulance for the health clinic. 
It's a SUV type vehicle and doesn't have any
equipment. It is for transporting to a bigger
hospital and despite the lack of equipment ...
it's really nice. Definitely a step in the right
direction of progress.

Now, the subtraction, that being the sports teacher
at the middle school. The one I mentioned about
talking crap too in my last blog post. It seems he
got transferred to another region. 
So now the teachers for the theatre group and 
the sports activities are gone. They were the 
base of my projects last year. 
I guess the cookie crumbles that way at times.
So, it's back out there looking for opportunities. 
Just the ebb and flow, that's this gig.

Thank goodness for the against teenage pregnancy
project. I went to a fellow volunteer's village and
we're going to introduce the project there. 
I am going to be assisting for the first time and 
will facilitate the project and my colleague can take
it from there.
We were supposed to have a session here today
but the school had a strike day and that made
it a bust. But we'll reschedule for as soon as we 
can work out a time. Hopefully this Thursday
or the Saturday that's coming up.

So ... the addition and subtraction equals to ???
Just another day in the life of a Peace Corps

Thursday, October 16, 2014

I'm back posting

It's been a bit since I last posted. The reason
for the absence has been that it's been a slow
time of the year. A lot of my activities have 
centered around the schools in the area. 
But school is back in session and I'm back in
business. I have kept myself occupied during
but it's been only baby weighings (mal-nutrition
based activity), promoting a cleanup campaign
(definite challenge), beautification (planting 
flowers at health clinic) and getting around and
visiting the kiosks and boutiques in the 8 villages
I pass through during my bicycle rides.

We had the feast of Tabaski a few weeks ago.
It is a Muslim holiday and I went and prayed with
the villagers. Also, received a new name in front
of about 700 people. I can now be called 'Abraham'.
The picture above is of a few girls who live
in the area. They just returned from praying.
I had no trouble being a christian and attending
the Muslim prayers.

It is picking up with plans for sex education
classes (mainly against teenage pregnancy) at
the middle school. We are at the organizational
stage but within the next week or so, we should
start. It is actually a continuation of what we
started at the end of last school year. 
It worked out great with at least 8 girls coming
for family planning and several others coming
for condoms, both male and female. 
This has been one of the best activities I've done
so far and it has demonstrated some success.

Also talking to the teachers about things like
mathelete competitions and spelling bees.
One teacher I tried to get into spelling bees last
year (but was hesitant) saw 'Akila and the Bee'
and now is interested. I guess my explaning what
a spelling bee is in my French didn't work but
thanks to the movie.

The teacher who was in charge of last year's 
theatre group left. So, us not being professionals
like he is, have come up with plan 'B'. Which is to
have the kids write skits and then perform them.
The goal is of letting them be creative and build
confidence. It's at the drawing board stage but
this is one activity I'd like to see happen.
 The sports teacher has returned and I am talking
crap about getting a kid from the village up to
the capital 'Ouagadougou' to compete in the 
100 meter final sprint races. Just trying to
motivate him but this is one area where lack
of resources hurts. We'll figure how to make decent
starting blocks with no cash in hopes of making
the crap talk a reality.

For now that's about it and I've got to say that 
I'm happy that things are starting to pick up.