In the picture is my trusty stead or more plainly put ... my bicycle.
My wheels in Burkina |
All the members of my group received one in a various size and color
but also all are in the 'used' condition. Despite the fact that mine has been
used considerably, it is in great shape. The crank area where the
pedals meet the bike and where they turn was a bit loose and making
noise at times but I took advantage of being here in Ougadougou
and had the bike mechanic fix it. He did a great job and also put on
a pair of new front brake pads. Not as exciting as having the Maserati
tuned but it's kind of relative to the situation, and I'm happy
about having my main means of transportation in tip-top shape.
A few weeks ago after the language IST (in service training) I rode
from one transportation gare (where the mini-buses leave and arrive
to) through Ougadougou and then to the road that heads out to my
village and then 80km or 50 miles to the village.
I didn't have to but I had time and it is all part of the thing called
adventure. It was fine and I arrived under 5 hours and that's with
adding 3 stops for water and one for a plate of rice with peanut
sauce. And with the local language that I am learning it was a
lot of fun schmoozing with the people in the boutiques along the
It was a chance to get some exercise and take in the view
of the Burkina/African countryside. It also was taking advantage of
the opportunity to slow down and enjoy a day.
Here in Burkina Faso ... bicycles are very much used and there aren't
very many obese people. It is what I've come to the conclusion is the
best exercise/diet plan of all ... lifestyle. It is a physical life and of
course if all the amenities were here, that same life would follow one of the
laws of physics where energy wants to go to a lower state and
people would begin to abandon their bikes.
We have one more week left of this IST and I am looking forward
to getting back to the village. Being here with my group mates
has been productive though. We've discussed activities we have
thought about and those that we've attempted. We also discussed
areas where we may collaborate. If just 25% of the ideas work there'll
be a few interesting blog posts.
So, while I have electricity and can use my little netbook computer
... gonna plug in a movie and kickback.