Saturday, March 1, 2014

It looks like it's ...

Going to happen. That's the first girls
soccer match scheduled for next Saturday,
International Woman's Day.
This afternoon the girls from this village
were out on the field scrimaging. They
haven't played a game yet (ever) and it
looks a little rough but they have the
I went to town today and I rode by the
village that will be the competition. As I
was going through 3 girls from the other
team rode their bicycles along side for
a while and mentioned that they were
fixing on beating our team. So if it's
like this now it should be fun to see.
Last week I was out of the village for
a language in service training (IST).
It went well and I learned a bit. It helped
when I was doing the baby weighings.
This is done to check for any malnutrioned
babies. But with the new words I learned
I could say more than 'yaa soma' which is
'it's good' in the Moore language.
The theater troupe is still at it and doing
rather well. The last practice we filmed the
the routine so they could see themselves.
They still need work but they saw their
mistakes ... so it should help to iron some
things out.
Also been to the one room school village.
That's basically my Wednesday morning
scheduled place to go.
It was interrupted by the IST but we did cover
HIV with some villagers and cleaning out
cuts with the school kids.
We also did a 'bouille' preparing session this
last week (5 days). There were 5 kids a little
underweight so we show the mothers how
to make what is best described as porridge.
They just throw in foods to add to the caloric
value. But the foods are all easily available.
Four out of the five kids gained weight.
Other than that it's been going steady but
just getting hotter. When it gets hot things
just slow down but it keeps rolling.
Hopefully next Saturday I can report that
our village girls team won.
Truth is ... just by playing the first female
soccer match in a village anywhere
around here ... they've won.

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