Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Counting the days

I am in the capital Ouagadougou in the last days of my
Peace Corps tour in Burkina Faso. I left the village
Sunday morning. The hard part is was saying goodbye to the
people whom I've lived with for the last two years.

Two years is an amount of time to create meaningful
relationships. So saying goodbye for the last time was
a little intense.

This last week is about closing out the service. It is
medical and dentist appointments and clerical activities
until Friday.

Then it is back in the USA by Sunday.

To reflect back it's been a great tour. Of course not
without the little irritations that are part of the experience.
I have no regrets and I knew that I tried my best. We did
do activities and hopefully they have helped. I've met
some nice people and cycled many kilometers. The best
cycling was done out on the bush trails. Whenever things
got irritating or boring ... taking a bike ride through the
trails worked to rejuvenate the spirit. It was fun and I got
to meet and know many of the people along the paths.

There is still a few days left and I am enjoying the time
left. But looking forward to being home for Christmas.