no electricity. It means early crash times and
shortwave radio (BBC) from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on
weekends. But rumor has it that in 10 days they
should be arriving to start to bring power lines in.
Got ta see it.
School is on a 2 week break so work is slow but
we did have one girl from our sex-ed sensibilizations
fall pregnant. No more 100% that we can boast about
rate but still less than before.
It has been hot here with 100 degree temps and
cruising around on the bicycle is a bit of a challenge
in regards to staying hydrated. With the running
t-shirts I brought from the States it makes it a little
tricky. The shirts wick off the sweat and the sun and
hot air dries it virtually immediately. Which makes
you think that you're not sweating. Had a mild
case of de-hydration last hot season but am ready
due to experience for this hot season.
We are continuing to sing the Burkina national
anthem twice a day when raising and lowering
the flag. As far as anyone knows we are the only
health clinic doing it. It is actually fun with a whole
bunch of kids getting excited when it's drapeau (flag)
time. It makes for a nice beginning and end of the
We have 8 stagaires (trainees) from the health schools
and tomorrow 4 will finish their two month field
training. They participated in one of our sex-ed
sessions and they added to it's quality. They were
also there for every singing of the national anthem.
They were troopers and should do well in their
future endeavors.
Trash is a problem here and I've decided to begin
selling the idea of cleaning up. I've been cleaning
the health clinic and it and the primary school
are the cleanest areas in the village. I'm not expecting
any results or changes but we've begun to have
small conversations here and there ... a start.
With eight months or so left I am trying to do only
what I feel can be effective within the time. The
biggest problem with the garbage is the awareness.
I believe they just don't actually see it ... so that's
the new challenge. How to bring it 'in sight'
without being pushy or being a pain.
Got the rest this Saturday night to think about it.
I would prefer 100 degs to the way this winter went. Before the snows was -2 degrees, and today was 27 degrees despite the onset of spring. We had an inch of snow last night!! You dodged a bullet by being in Burkina Faso instead of New Bedford this year!