a volunteer's quest for activities.
Just when it seems like there will be a go on
a project or even a simple sensibilization, there
is some unforseen or equally forseen variables
that stops it dead in it's tracks.
The teenage (school based) pregnancy eradication
project being the most recent.
The first Saturday of this month was scheduled to
begin the project again and everything was planned
and ready. Of course there had to be something
like demonstrations and the booting out of the
president to make that Saturday, a project not
happening day.
But in the spirit of persistence or too dumb to
know when to quit we try again this Thursday.
With gesting aside this activity has been one of
the most successful I've been involved with to date.
This week alone 3 more female students arrived
to protect themselves from pregnancy. So far
it's a total if 11 and there are less girls at the middle
school of 500 students whom are pregnant at this
time. Of course it's early and I am sure there will be more.
So, we got to either kick the 'mo' in the bum or ourselves
to keep going. But when the 'mo' of a project is
in effect ... well ... it's a beautiful thing. When not ...
it's back to the house for a nap. Definitely it lives in
that ying/yang circle.
But some events that require 'mo' are in our own
hands or in this case ... legs. With the new bicycle
tires I've been an example of one of Newton's laws.
The one that states it takes less energy to keep
something moving than to begin from a dead stop.
I've been biking, some out of work relation some
out of just plain having fun relation. I am really
getting to meet people in the rural villages and
it's great to be able to get back to prioritizing
people in daily life.
On a more serious side ... the gov here is still in
some form of flux but to the people's credit they
are taking a wait and see posture. Hopefully anyone
making decisions don't take it as a sheepism
making decisions don't take it as a sheepism
thing. They'd be making a mistake.
Also, kind of a boring week with not having an
ex-president running for his safety through our
village like last week.
It's a Sunday morning and it's an habitual washing
clothes day here in the village. Having the 'mo'
that running water, electricity and a washing
machine would bring would be ok. But washing
clothes by hand ... as crazy as it sounds is really
a mindfulness exercise. You know, I am washing
the clothes to wash the clothes.
So, now I need to gather up the motivation to
go to the pump to get water to wash the clothes
in mindfulness and so on.
Guess the 'mo' may start when I get up off my
Sunday morning lazy rearend.
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