Saturday, February 8, 2014

Can't get away from Rex

The picture you're looking is that of
the theatre troupe featuring Rex the 
This was taken after the group's 
second practice. The kids are very
fortunate to have a teacher at their
school who studied theatre. He is
also volunteering his time and I am
feeling that this is going to work out
pretty good.
It is the first activity of it's kind at that
school and it is giving these kids a 
great opportunity to express themselves.
Always good to help develop teenagers
(I think).
As we took the picture Rex had to be part
of it. I've figured how to ditch him when
I'm traveling out of the village. Of course
it's without making a bizarre scene. I
start out on my bike in a direction. I see
if Rex is following. If he is, I turn around 
and come back. I take off again and if
Rex is following, I turn back again. I can
see that the dog is kind of like ... what's
up? Then I ride in and out of a few 
buildings and if I lose him then I take 
the nearest path and off I go. It's just 
that there is usually no less than 5 
people at any one time sitting there 
and watching this happen. I feel safe 
to say that they're probably amused.
Another good thing this week is that 
we're inching closer to having a girls
soccer team. There is a colleague of 
mine in a village about 6 or 7 miles 
from here and she's organizing a team
The plan is for the match to happen on
8th of March the International Women's
Day. The girls are in the range of 13 to 15
years old. It will be the first match for girls
soccer around here so 8 March sounds
like the right day to try it out.
The girls have never played soccer and 
they have about 3 weeks to learn. Should
be fun and both teams are on equal 
footing so it will be fair.
Again the school is lucky they have a 
new Physical Education teacher who is
motivated and open to almost any 
decent idea.
So far for myself, I'm lucky and my part
is to support in any way. It keeps me busy.
Other than that it's been weighing babies to see
if there is any malnutrition and this week
it's been good, no problems.
This has been a good week overall and now
it's time to end this post and head out to 
take a shower outside under the moon-
Kind of a nice way to finish the week.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A little lucky this time

It has been a pretty good week since
the last posting. 
So far I've been to 8 schools out of the
11or so that I am attempting to work 
with. Added 4 to the list this week.
It is a process though and doesn't 
mean that I'll be active in the schools
any time soon but it's about building
the connections at this point.
We started a theatre group at the 
the local school with the older kids.
Basically teenagers and they seem 
like a really good bunch. A teacher
at the school has a degree in theatre
and he seems really good at it. I'm
just helping out and will do camera 
work and video editting if it gets to
that point. The first practice was just
incredible and it is exactly what the
kids of their age need. It gives them
a way to express themselves.
I'm thinking if it goes well then maybe
the group can practice at some of
the other schools to create interest 
for theatre in this area.
In the picture above you can see specks
of people in the background. That is the 
beginning of the new soccer field and
track at the same school as the theatre
group. There is a new younger teacher
who arrived the same time I did and 
he's the physical education guy and 
is having a lot of energy and ideas.
In the past I've pushed for girls soccer
teams ... going for it again here. The
girls are limited to handball only but 
that may be changing. The younger
teacher has talked to the girls about it
already and he has a friend in a town
over who can organize a girl's team 
there. It just may work out.
Also talked to a couple of the schools
out of the 8 and a few have interest
in starting girls soccer also.
Plus talked about a spelling bee and
again, some interest there.
I am working in the health sector and
we planted 2 moringa trees (leaves 
full of nutrition) in the back of the 
maternity building. This will be to 
demonstrate and hopefully create 
interest before the rainy season arrives.
If the people are sold we will pass out
seeds when the rains come.
In general it's been a good week except
for the stress that Rex the dog creates
as he starts chasing the goats ... even
in front of their owners.
One lady was really mad as Rex started
going after her goats. She had some real
nice words for me. Don't blame her as she
thinks that Rex is my dog.
So, it takes ten minutes in the morning 
before I take off trying to get Rex closed
in somewhere before I can leave. I'm 
finished with Rex tagging along out 
of the village. It's hard enough being
the only white person around let 
alone having a dog that chases people's
goats around. Could slow down the 
integration process a bit.
But I am really lucky that the theatre,
sports, girls soccer and spelling bee 
are becoming possibilities this early
in my tour here. Usually it all starts
happening a year or more into it.
Despite Rex, it's been a great week.
It's all just the beginning and some 
of it might not happen but ... it 
just may. 
If it all does it's going be fun around