Saturday, January 11, 2014

Village rotary

Yup,  that's what you're looking at in the
picture. The village does need a clean up project
... like real bad. So seeing this pin point of
light in total darkness (so to speak), makes
me wonder if I could talk to the guy who built
it. He is seeing things differently than
everyone else.
It has been a busy week and a half. I've
been helping out weighing babies
and this is to basically monitor any malnutrtion. 
We did have one case where the baby 
is 1 year old but weighs about 12 pounds.
So we have the high nutrition food to
give and we will keep an eye on the baby.
Also been out to visit the schools in the
villages. Have been to 5 so far with 6 more
to go. It is kind of crazy and cool at the
same time. All these different teachers and
students to get to know and build their 
trust ... it isn't boring or going to be.
I am starting with one school next Tuesday.
If you're one that is for the under dog
then this place is for you.
This is nothing more than a one classroom school
with seems like, a bunch of good kids.
Not much resources so we'll start a little
tree nursery with moringa. These trees
are used mostly for the nutritious leaves.
It is easy, simple and a break the ice
Plus, this village is the nicest one I've seen
yet. I mean the layout. Compounds set apart
and the center of town is a small boutique and
place to buy a coffee.
Had another haircut adventure with that dog.
I left the village and thought I was in the 
clear. But here comes the dog ... name is Rex ...
and I'm like ... not again.
Off we go and I am pedaling slower but 
the dog is kind of running up the middle
of the road playing chicken with  the oncoming
motor scooters and the drivers are giving 
me this look.
We get there ... get haircut ... take off ...
and Rex starts chasing goats on the side
of the road just to scare them.
I noticed the dog about half way back 
and met some people riding their bikes
and we chatted till it's time to head off 
the road and take the path in the bush 
that leads to the village.
Guess what ... looked back and no Rex.
So waited for 10 minutes and nothing.
I am thinking oh no, why me. It's not my dog
and I'm going to have to tell the owner his 
dog vanished.
A day and a half ... no Rex ... but he showed up 
this morning. 
Sure is a relief.
But in general it's falling into place.
I've integrated a bit and have my regular
coffee joints, lady I buy peanuts from, two ladies
with different fried doughs and regular
boutique guy. Still more to go with the 
schools but getting accustomed pretty
So next week we start the trees in the 
little village school house.
Should be really a fun way to begin.

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