Saturday, November 16, 2013


Today ... as part of our training,
we went to the local school to
give a malaria sensibilization
(as you can see in the picture).
We are given tasks which mimic
what will be doing when we 
arrive in our villages.
Our topic was malaria with an
emphasis on how it is contracted.
What we have observed is that
despite knowing about malaria,
with what looked like 100% of
the students at one time or 
another suffering from it ...
they still don't sleep under a
mosquito net. 
This led us to believe that maybe
they just didn't understand
how it's contracted. 
We made a skit with a lot of 
animation and theatrics that
appeared to grab their attention.
We really repeated over and 
over that malaria is transmitted
by moustique (bug/fly) during
the night. Plus, if someone is 
sleeping under their net, they
won't get bit and will be safe.
We don't know if they got the
message and will start sleeping
under their nets, but we tried.
In the end it was fun and for us
trainees we became actors
and actresses with the hope
that it will help out.
It is great to be here doing
things like this even if we are
trainees or not.

1 comment:

  1. hi Paul hope everything is going well everybody from the farm misses u. Darcey's mom passed away 11/14 but she is back to work Dave is doing well we all miss u very much.
